Monday, December 12, 2011

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This site documents the activities of Vision Forum 2010-11. No new post will appear here. If you want to follow the latest activities of the organisation and individual participants. Click here.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


En genomrökt nykomling på bandcamp, Fag Ash Records, har presterat en spännande samlingsskiva, The Sound Of Fag Ash. Första delen är redan ute. Eklektisk, men välsammansatt, med en blandning av flera olika genrer- för att nämna några få- indie pop, ambient och elektronika, skivan är experimentell och psykedelisk till karaktären. Den växlar mellan osiga och chaotiska låtar med fri struktur och rytmiskt regelbundna, men skiftade sådana- en härlig kontrast som genererar ännu mer rök och aska. Kamikumas bidrag är en låt, som brodern jucumari har mixat.



Om tidsuppfattningen på en demensavdelning. Jag tänkte spela det som live mix på VisionForums dagar i Norrköping 6-7 september. Samtidigt läste jag Peter Hoegs De kanske lämpade. Där finns massor om konstigheter med tiden. Ja, först när man blir sjuk eller på gränsen, dyker upp allvarliga tvivel om tidens karaktär. I boken finns utläggningar om Jakob von Uexkull, den tyske professor i biologi, som jag ville gå in på i ett annat sammanhang- Jussi Parikkas Insect Media, där han utformar en ny mediateori baserad på modeller ur insekternas beteende. Dumma som individer och oerhört smarta som kolonier i sin miljöanpassning, de definieras av sina perceptiva och orienteringsförmågor till skillnad från oss människor, upptagna med vad vi är som individer i den här världen. Bortsett ifrån att vi flockas på webben.

Här är en citat från Hoegs roman om Uexkull:

"I förordet till sin bok Teoretisk biologi skrev han att han fortsatte på den väg som Helmholtz och Kant hade banat. De insisterade på att man inte kan uppfatta verkligheten omkring sig- eller uppfatta sig själv- på något annat sätt än genom sinnena. Och sinnena är inte passiva mottagare av verkligheten, de bearbetar den, vad vi uppfattar är starkt bearbetat. Alltså är det meningslöst att tala om den verkliga verkligheten utanför oss, den känner vi inte till. Vi känner till en redigerad kopia. Det biologin kan koncentrera sig på är att undersöka hur våra sinnesorgan är strukturerade, hur de redigerar. Och hur andra levande varelsers medvetande arbetar i förhållande till vårt eget.

När jag läste det första gången tänkte jag att Uexkull måste ha stött på detsamma som vi...

Först upptäckte vi att det fanns en plan, sedan lyckades vi förstå den, strax innan allt bröt samman.

Det som fanns utanför skolan, utanför deras plan, i synnerhet tiden, som vi kände flyta omkring oss och genomsyra allt, med det fanns en avsikt. Och i denna större avsikt och plan var vi alla medskyldiga. På ett alldeles oförklarligt sätt arbetade vi alla på att skapa och upprätthålla tiden på skolan.
Det var det Jakob von Uexkull hade skrivit, på sitt eget ödmjukaste sätt, i mitten av tjugotalet. Vi är inte bara utlämnade till tiden. På ett eller annat sätt är den också något som vi oavbrutet är med om att skapa.
Som ett konstverk.

För att märka och tala om tiden måste man märka att något har förändrats. Och man måste märka att i eller bakom denna förändring finns något som fanns också tidigare. Tidsuppfattning är medvetandets oförklarliga förening av förvandling och oföränderlighet."I spåret ovan , som är väldigt glömskt, har jag försökt att tänka skulpturalt om tiden- bygga det som av klossar, och göra vertikala lager av materialet i andra delen.

Det är så personer med demenssjukdomar försöker orientera sig , att tänka tiden som rummet:

Bilden är från spårets spektrogram.

Monday, November 21, 2011

John Cage Centenary (2012)

Ubuweb is a place to be- I found loads of interesting material on John Cage there:

Was there a person more influential? After Cage experimental music is more contemporary art and probably will be for another one hundred years. Writing music in terms of "space equals time" changed our understanding of both harmony and rhythm. Visual elements can be perceived as simultaneous if spatial relationships are distorted or irrelevant, like in 2-dimensional oriental art. Can we think about rhythm as a pattern of moving through space, and harmony as a product of a temporal collapse or layering different tonal colours? Experiments with magnetic tape showed that it was possible, which made many composers give up traditional notation that operates with time units. Conceptual music pieces starting out with non-musical material usually approach time as space, creating maps of sound, and the travel while playing that kind of compositions requires staying in the flow of sound or being in the now, which is a denial of time.

Cage studied for Schoenberg. Once he was trying to solve a counterpoint problem until there were no more solutions. The teacher asked what was underlying the solutions. Cage came to a conclusion that it was questions, and the chance operations as a method of composition were a way of getting answers. "I welcome whatever happens next or everyday is a great day or music never stops, we only turn away from it",all that suggests leaving questions open and never manipulating things to get desired answers.

From Diary: How to Improve the World, You'll Only Make Matters Worse.

- Your philosophy in nutshell?
- Get out of whatever cage you are in.
- If you describe yourself in three words?
- An open cage.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Filmworkshop i Norrköping

Den 6 Augusti kommer Vision Forum Film att anordna en filmworkshop. Detta sker i samband med att vi spelar in vår nya produktion, Effektivia. Ni får tillfälle att arbeta med skådespelaren LU SIQI och ljudkonstnäreren JIANG PENG, båda från Peking, som delar med sig av sin erfarenhet inom film och musik.

Är du sugen på att delta? Så är du välkommen till Verkstad för Konst den 6 Augusti kl. 17-20.

Har du frågor, kontakta Emma Palmgren på: empalm82 (at)


Monday, May 9, 2011

open source

I sampled and fused two tracks today,licenced under CC(Creative Commons),- love the result- experimental dubstep:

People are often anxious about their open source things. It brings the mind to some scary version of communism, heard them say. No short term profits and the risks of abuse to your work, but gratification is greater than loss,and the best part is freedom and maybe sharing ideas, apart from collaboration opportunities.

I adore soundcloud and I almost live in it now, recovering at home, not able to play. Sample and mix.

Friday, May 6, 2011

grand narrative?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Labels- Zoila Méndez Martín at Hyllan, Arbetets museum, Norrköping, Sweden

It is both human nature and the basis for language to name the objects that surround us and the feelings that they evoke. But how do we label ourselves? The aim of social labels are exclude, to show how we differ from others.

Social labels are everywhere. You meet them no matter where you move through the cities of the world. They have become so fixed in everyday reality and our language that we use them without thinking about it. But what does it mean to be different? What does it mean to be a part of a group? How do we express our fears in what we are and how can we create a sense of belonging?

Spanish artist, Zoila Méndez Martín has photographed a large number of young people in Östergötland. The group of people presented, share a common link. They want to show two or more sides to their humanness and yet they are faces of a unique person. Each image pretends to discover the singular feature of the person and yet it is contradicted by a mirrored sibling. The visitor is viewing every portrait and can indentify something that is not associated with the expected expression. It offers another posed personality.

To underline this duality, the artist sometimes presents the images in black and white and sometime in colour. The photographs show something from the other “I” that the labels do not contain and do not let us to see.

The work which has been realized through Facebook networks reveals how deep technology runs in informing us about who we are and how we want to impress our being on the surrounding world. In Zoila Méndez Martín’s photographs, the act of producing the self becomes itself a form of labour that is moving to the forefront of what is considered work today.

All of the photos are untitled. The purpose is to avoid any kind of label and to make the spectator think about the humanity of this persons without any text reference of them.

Zoila Méndez Martín (1988) lives in Madrid, Spain. She is completing her degree in Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid through an Erasmus scholarship in Sweden and in collaboration with Vision Forum. Her background is in painting, printmaking, drawing, video and design. But for her exchange year she has chosen to focus on photography to express her fascination for how young people in Östergötland relate to their identity.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

a download friendly 25 MB

Check out

I think this is wonderful and I help myself from that fridge! A perfect format for internet-specific work, something I find worth considering while working on the current "cloudy weather"project. Initially inspired by Smart Frrridge..., one of the works presented on the webbsite, and playing with an idea of a fridge thief, secretly consuming and even manipulating the contents of a dropbox, where all project files are stored, it is taking the course of a virtual students hostel shared kitchen reality: 3 soundcloud users,located in London, Reggio and Gothenburg,so far nobody stealing , but some products already finished. I think we need a bad guy to go on...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

immersed in the river... (long version)

Friday, February 18, 2011

immersed in the river of words

Immersed in the river of words at Branly Museum in Paris and listening to invisible dialogues between the statues, probably the voices of African artists, no longer anonymous and solely bound by tradition, I was thinking about language as a flow. Of course, we have to break it in order to grasp the meaning, but this is no guarantee you will understand and will be understood. That brings us back to the flow, which is a more reliable means of connecting the sender and the receiver. And anticipating (in)visible dialogues coming up soon at the Art Academy in Stockholm, I hope to be able to connect with an open heart.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life Without Buildings- Young Offenders (Any Other City)

life without buildings, any other city

they offer concealment and prevent escape

bolero finale

Mickey mousey unsync. Stretched the basic beat in Comic way of life by Briby Welsh and filled it with some personal experience.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

open invitation to a project

January is an altogether depressing month, but the advantage of staying home with a cold is that you get plenty of time for reflection over future projects. My mind is set on something i would like to call "Cloudy weather"- a digital cloud project with several internet users sharing a dropbox, where they store all kinds of files: images, audio tracks, texts, video clips, what not. And the starting point is real Icelandic ash clouds that sabotaged infra-structure in the same way soundcloud, aviary and other horizontal programs challenge commercial music market. We'll be dealing with textoids, audioids, videoids ( sorry for clumsy neologisms)as long as we have access to each others' files and can make changes, add own material, transform, etc. across the borders of authorship. So, it's Icelandic ash, microscopic images for music making, the chaos it caused. Things are still very fuzzy, but no matter where you are, come forward.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

March 9-10

Following the success of the meeting in September 2010, Vision Forum Organizes a new 2 day workshop March 9-10. (More info and program for the September workshops can be found here.) The March workshop will be co-organized with Verkstad and The Art Museum and will include performances by Pauline Curnier Jardin, Natalia Kamia and the release of the catalogue for the project The Invisible Generation, presentations by Stephen Whitmarsh and Alessandra Sandrolini about the last Ouunpo meeting and tons more. Keep your eyes on this blog for updates.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Plocka fram era agendor

jag hoppas att 2011 har börjat lysande!

det är dags att plocka fram era agendor och boka resor till stockholm.

varje söndag i mars, så kommer en fantastisk dialog mellan en konst och en vetenskaps expert att hållas på konstakademien i stockholm.

missa inte möjligheten att möta dessa unika performances.

(klicka på bilden nedan för att se programmet i sin helhet)